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Consulting service

You have a measurement problem and don"t know exactly how to solve it? Meinke energy GmbH comes along with an excellent network of specialists in manifold areas. Thereby we are able to support you with your measurement application and can provide practical oriented solutions. Activities in standardizations (DKE) allow us to enlarge upon actual developments.

Service: Power Quality & Thermal Imaging

Meinke energy GmbH provides complete measurement services for Power Quality and thermal imaging, from the actual admission, over malfunctions, up to the catalog for remedial action. Both topics are also part of measurements for the improvement of the energy efficiency.

Avoiding of harmonic also means reduction of heat and dissipation losses. With thermal imaging loss of pressure or thermal bridges could be discovered in industrial plants.

If desired, we can also provide regular reports by means of operator model.

Expert opinion Power Quality & Thermal Imaging

Do you need an official report to fend, accomplish or handle customer complaints, efficiently? An expert opinion will help you! Nevertheless in the case of court trial Meinke energy GmbH can support your demands together with sworn authorized experts.

Seminars, Trainings and commissioning

Your company would like to improve the skills of the employees to achieve and to keep a high level of education ? Meinke energy GmbH trains your team with customized seminars and workshops on various technical topics. You have bought premium measurement devices and would like to apply them with the aim of an expeditious RoI (Return on Invest). We will support you with the commissioning of the devices

Leasing and Rental

You need additional measurement devices for a project? You have a time framed non recurring development project and won"t place an investment? Meinke energy GmbH and its Partner support to find and lease the suitable device for the temporary period. If required with technical versed operating personnel.

Service and Calibration

You are searching for a central office providing administrative, logistical and technical assistance for repair, service and calibration of your measurement equipment? Meinke energy GmbH will find the right office for you!

Sales and Distribution

Due to our expert knowledge we recommend and sell robust measurement equipment in high quality for your applications according to the demands. Meinke energy GmbH is cooperating with the differents company in the fields of Power Quality measurement technique and disturbance recording applications.

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